Compact and sustainable LED grow lighting system
The LED50 uses a built-in sensor, which is connected with the SmartBox, to measure the temperatures on the pitch. When temperatures are high enough for grass growth, the system switches off the infrared heating automatically and only uses LED light. Our state-of-the-art LED fixtures are very durable and the individual control of light and heat will help you to minimize* your energy costs at all times.
Superior grass growth
- The LED50 is featured with the latest LED technology in the field of grass growth lighting. Years of research have resulted in the most effective and efficient light spectrum for high quality grass growth.
Independent control
- The LED50 is fitted with SGL LED & Infrared fixtures which can be operated independently of each other, both manual and automatic via the SmartBox. As a result, you only use energy that you actually need at that moment.
Easy operation
- A compact and lightweight design. Thanks to that, the LED50 can be deployed by one person within a few minutes. Once the unit is in place, all you have to do is enter the correct settings via the SmartBox and you are ready to go!

Custom designed LED technology
After many years of research, we developed our unique new LED technology with the widest light spread available yet. Therefore, fewer fixtures are required and both weight and cost have been heaviliy reduced. You can save up to 40% on energy and the weight of the unit has been reduced by 70% per square meter.
Collection and use of convection heat
Roughly 35% of the energy an LED fixture uses is converted in convection heat. Convection heat warms the air around the fixture and is not directed to the surface, which means this energy is wasted. Our newly developed LED fixture collects this heat and directs it towards the surface if additional heat is needed. We can ensure that no precious energy is lost what makes it very efficient and sustainable.
Most efficient light spectrum
Each colour of the light spectrum uses a different amount of energy. After many years of research at our research facilities, indoor and outdoor, customer experience and our previous successful LED systems, we were able to determine what colours are needed for the highest quality grass growth and the minimum required input for each colour. We determined the most energy efficient composition is within that range. This resulted in the most effective and energy efficient light spectrum.

Custom designed Infrared technology
The Infrared fixtures are designed from scratch with a focus on uniformity and accurate temperature control. The asymmetrical reflector design and unique lay-out of the fixtures ensure very consistent and controlled heat distribution. A temperature sensor continuously measures the surface temperature beneath the unit and the Smart control system automatically adds the right amount of heat that is set by the customer.

SGL: Stay ahead of the game
Our technology is founded on thorough agronomical and technical research. Our experienced agronomy team and product developers work closely together, every day, to keep improving and innovating our system. We continuously expand our knowledge and improve our technology to help turfgrass professionals get the best possible results.
We always aim to develop our products in cooperation with our (potential) customers. We develop products in order to help the end users achieve a high quality playing surface, therefore we ask them for their feedback and preferences. What kind of products are needed? What aspects are important to take into account when designing a new product? What makes a product user friendly for a groundsman?
Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for SGL in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and other countries in the region.
Updated on: 6 September 2022