Rolling Greens with Envy
Others will be green with envy when they see you have a True-Surface® NV 3×3™ on your course. We always recommend our True-Surface® Vibe V™ Vibratory Greens Rollers; but if you aren’t feeling the vibrations, go with our non-vibratory option. The NV 3×3™ is designed to smooth your greens by using adjustable weight instead of vibratory action.
The True-Surface® NV 3×3 ™ is equipped with an innovative tri-rolling system that uses three rollers to create smooth and healthy greens.
The NV 3×3 ™ attaches directly to your triplex greens mower and is easy to use with no additional training necessary. Adjustable weights allow you to control how much rolling power you need to smooth your greens – add up to four additional 5 lb weights per greens roller.
A growing idea to a growing company
True-Surface's® story is one of pure American will and opportunity. While working for a local Toro distributor, John Humphrey, CEO, realized golf course greens rolling is a logical agronomic practice that he could sell. In 1984 Humphrey went out on his own under the name of Turfline, Inc., as a turf distributor working out of his home while developing the idea for the world’s first vibratory greens roller that would attach directly to a triplex greens mower.
His hard work soon paid off, and he was awarded the patent for the True-Surface® Vibratory Greens Rollers in 1992. That same year True-Surface® was used in preparation for the PGA tournament held at Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis, Missouri.
Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for True-Surface range of products in Hong Kong and Macau.
Updated on: 1 June 2022