A self-propelled hydrostatic drive three-probe air injection machine, injecting compressed air
The Air2G2 336 is an easy-to-operate, self-propelled machine proudly made in the USA. The Air2G2 336 uses three probes to laterally inject pressurised air up to 12 inches beneath the surface of the soil to fracture the compacted layers that form as a result of foot traffic, mechanical traffic and nature’s daily wear and tear.
These laterally injected air blasts loosen up compacted soil immediately but without any disruption to the surface of the turf or the roots below. With frequent use, the Air2G2 336 creates surfaces that are healthy, firm and ready for play immediately after treatment. Air is everything to anything that lives, and for your soil, the Air2G2 336 is a breath of fresh air.
- Self-propelled aerification machine on a three-wheel platform with smooth, wide flotation tyres
- Powered by a Kohler Command Pro 19 horsepower engine
- Hydrostatic drive-axle that is actuated by the steering handlebar
- Pneumatic system is powered by an Ingersoll Rand two-stage air compressor
- Three probes reach up to 12 inches deep into the soil
- Pressurized air is pushed out laterally at a diameter of 6 to 9 feet
The Air2G2 336 Helps With:
- Compaction Relief: Fractures hardpan layers without disruption to roots or playing surfaces
- Porosity Increased: Lateral air injections increase pore space, promote faster drainage and root development
- Respiration Enhanced: Forces oxygen in and pushes CO2 and other anaerobic gases out for root zone gas exchange
Long-term Benefits of Air2G2 336:
- Immediately relieves soil compaction
- No downtime or turf disruption—lawns, sports fields and golf courses are ready to use right after treatment
- Easy to operate, easy to train your crew to use
- No post-application cleanup necessary!
- Instantly breaks through compacted soil, brings air to suffocating roots
- Quickly improves water drainage
- Encourages deeper root growth
Air2G2 Machine - Air2hp
Great for the base of trees, around tree roots, in flower beds and lawns

- Ideal for sand bunkers, small spaces, hard-to-reach places
- Great for the base of trees, around tree roots, in flower beds and lawns
- Quickly spot-treat areas of standing water
How It Works
- Single probe aerator fractures soil profile
- Hand-operated air valve
- Horizontal air inject, below the surface in a diameter of up to 3ft (0.9m)
- Injects air into the soil column, shooting oxygen to roots and fracturing compacted soil for air and water movement
- Increases drainage
- Increases soil porosity
- External air compressor required for use