Barenbrug Bent Grass
Pure Distinction Bentgrass
(Sowing rate: 0.7 – 1kg/100m2)
Uniquely bright green coloured, Pure Distinction takes the superb attributes of the A’s and G’s parentage — dense, upright, and aggressive growth, less thatch and easy maintenance—to the next level. Its fineness is something other bents can’t match. It’s the ultimate bentgrass for smooth and true putting greens. Pure Distinction also has exceptionally strong resistance to diseases and outstanding resistance to heat, cold and wear.
Crystal Blue Links Creeping Bentgrass
(Sowing rate: 0.7 – 1kg/100m2)
Crystal Blue Links has a semi-erect growth habit, aggressive recovery and great disease resistance making it an excellent choice for greens, tees, and fairways. It maintains very good winter colour, quick spring green-up, heat and cold tolerance, and has shown excellent shade tolerance. Crystal Blue Links comes in Barenbrug’s tailored seed coat AgriCOTE which enhances seedling establishment and reduces Pythium outbreaks in early establishment.
Penn A-1 Creeping Bentgrass
(Sowing rate: 0.7 – 1kg/100m2)
Penn A-1 is a dark green, fine leaf creeping bent grass. It is ideal for a wide range of Australian climates as it has a great tolerance level to hot and cold temperatures. Penn A-1 also benefits from a very high density, winter colour and superior disease resistance and provides a superb putting surface.
Penn A-4
(Sowing rate: 0.7 – 1kg/100m2)
Similar to Penn A-1, Penn A-4 is a dark green bent grass with a fine leaf texture and exceptional heat and cold tolerance. Penn A-4 is high density, with an aggressive growth habit and a good disease resistance profile. It provides a smooth grainless putting surface.
Green Earth
Through GreenEarth, Barenbrug hopes to make a contribution to a green planet on which future generations will be able to continue playing sports and enjoying recreational activities.

Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for Barenbrug in Hong Kong and Macau.
Updated on: 17 July 2024