Barenbrug Warm-Season Grass
The success of planting cool- or warm-season grasses, lies in timing your seeding to suit your grasses' optimal growth periods. As a rule, cool season species' best period of growth is between 30-40 days prior and post frosts and for warm season species when soil temperatures rise above 16 degrees in spring.
Seeded Couch
Cynodon dactylon
Monaco Bermudagrass
(Sowing rate: 0.5 – 1kg/100m2)
Exclusively from Barenbrug, Monaco is a synthetic variety produced by the intercrossing of five clonal parent lines for quality and performance. Monaco is excellent for use on golf courses, sports turf, and higher-quality lawns. It has excellent density and wear tolerance. Bred for a genetically darker green colour, it also has quicker spring green-up, high colour retention, and winter hardiness, Monaco will make a great addition to your landscape!
Watch more about the future of seeded bermudagrass below.
Maya Bermudagrass
(Sowing rate: 0.5 – 1kg/100m2)
Rated one of the top varieties in the independent trials. Maya is a new variety of seeded bermudagrass from Barenbrug. In the NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) trials Maya scored exceptionally well for improved turf performance, disease resistance, excellent colour and leaf texture. Being a seeded variety Maya will establish into a superior bermudagrass turf and has a wide range of adaptations.

Transcontinental Couch
(Sowing rate: 1kg/100m2)
Transcontinental seeded couch, represents a generation of improved turf quality, colour and performance over common couches. With improved cold tolerance for winter survival, Transcontinental allows for quality couchgrass performance in both hot, humid and cooler temperate climates of Australia. In independent ANTEP trials carried out in Melbourne, Transcontinental was one of the fastest establishing seeded couches. Germinating six days after sowing and showing excellent vigour during its establishment, Transcontinental is an excellent choice over more expensive vegetative and seeded couches.
Turf Kikuya
Pennisetum clandestinum
(Sowing rate: 0.5 – 1.5kg/100m2)
Kikuyu is a versatile and popular turf species for roadsides, nature strips, lawns, sporting fields and other public areas looking for a soft drought tolerant turf species. Preferring full sun, Kikuyu is renowned for its strong rhizome growth during summer. It can tolerate some soil salinity and salt spray making it an excellent choice along coastal parks and foreshore turf areas.
Key Features
- Warm-season turf grass – light green colour
- Excellent for erosion control
- Prefers full sun
- Excellent drought tolerance with some salt tolerance
- Preferred lawn mow height 25-50 mm
- Medium traffic tolerance
- Enhanced by AgriCOTE seed treatment
For new seeding turf applications, it is recommended to plant 0.5-1.5 kg per 100m2 of Agricote Kikuyu at a depth of @ 1-5 mm. The recommended planting times are spring through summer like bermudagrass.
Carpet Grass
Axonopus fissifolius
(Sowing rate: 1 kg per 100m2)
Narrow-leaf carpet grass is a perennial creeping grass which makes a dense turf with shiny leaves. It is a low-profile maintenance lawn grass which has the ability to perform well in a wide variety of soil conditions and can be a dominant species in low fertile situations.
Areas of use are the tropics, subtropics and some warmer temperate regions. Carpet grass performs very well in the shade and can also grow in full sun making it a very adaptable species. Because of its prostrate growth and dense turf, Carpet Grass can be used as a straight lawn seed or in a mixture with other warm climate grasses for interrow situations, erosion control, and playing fields.

Pensacola Bahia
Paspalum notatum
(Sowing rate: 3-4 kg per 100m2)
Pensacola Bahiagrass is the most popular variety of Bahia. It has long, slim (narrow) leaves with a root system that can grow to depths of 2 meters. Pensacola has better cold tolerance than the other Bahia's and excellent drought-resistant with better shade tolerance than bermudagrass. In southern Queensland, it is a major perennial grass weed species in parks and urban open space areas.
Pensacola Bahia’s ability to withstand drought better than most other grasses makes it well-suited to low-maintenance areas with limited irrigation. It is used in turf situations such as roadsides, lawns, inter rows situations and airports. Seeds can take some time to establish but once established, it become a dominant turf species due to their robust root system and dense mat of stolons and rhizomes.
Key Features
- Warm-season turf grass – light green colour
- Excellent for long-term erosion control
- Prefers full sun but can handle some shade
- Excellent heat tolerance and drought tolerance
- Excellent choice for low water and low nutrient situations
- Preferred lawn mow height 40-50 mm
- Performs well in low fertile sandy soils
- Good traffic tolerance
For new seeding turf applications, it is recommended to plant 3-4 kg per 100m2 of Agricote Pensacola at a depth of 5 mm. The recommended planting times are spring through summer, like bermudagrass.

Queensland Blue Couch
Digitaria didactyla
(Sowing rate: 1kg/100m2 )
Queensland Blue Couch is an excellent choice to produce a soft, fine-leaf grass lawn which as its name suggests has a blue-green tinge. It is ideal for tropical and sub-tropical areas, where it grows well on a wide range of neutral to acid soils.
In Queensland, it is tolerant of very acid soils (pH 5.5 and lower) and is a very dominant grass when compared to other warm-season varieties, particularly under low fertility conditions. It has good drought tolerance and recovers well from drought following rainfall events.
QLD Blue Couch doesn’t have great shade tolerance like other warm season varieties, however is tolerant of temporary waterlogging.

Zoysia Japonica
(Sowing rate: 1kg/100m2 )
A low-maintenance grass, Zoysia is a very slow grower. This means less time mowing. It also means that, despite having runners that allow the grass to spread, it won’t be overtaking lawn and interrow situations too quickly.
Zoysia is hardy and can withstand heavy use, being very resistant to damage. This hardiness extends to the conditions that it will grow in – Zoysia doesn’t need an overly fertile soil to happily grow, nor does it need to be regularly fertilised. Zoysia turf is an excellent choice for shade, coping well with 40% shade for wear areas, and 50% shade for low-wear areas perfect for grassed areas that have overhanging foliage.

Green Earth
Through GreenEarth, Barenbrug hopes to make a contribution to a green planet on which future generations will be able to continue playing sports and enjoying recreational activities.

Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for Barenbrug in Hong Kong and Macau.
Updated on: 17 July 2024