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Envu Dedicate (Turf and Ornamental Fungicide)

Envu Dedicate (Turf and Ornamental Fungicide)

Dedicate is a highly effective contact and systemic turf and ornamental fungicide. It is rapid-acting, long lasting and can be used throughout the year but is particularly effective against Summer turf disease pressures.

Dedicate is a broad-spectrum contact and systemic turf and ornamental fungicide, containing 200g/L tebuconazole and 100g/L trifloxystrobin.

  • Preventative and early curative disease control 
  • Diseases controlled: Fusarium Patch, Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Leaf Spot, ERI and Rust
  • Contact and systemic turf fungicide
  • Low dose – 2-3 Litres treats 1 hectare
  • Superior penetration – dual action protects your turf inside and out
  • Perfect for control of tough Summer disease pressures

Where to use

  • Bowls
  • Golf
  • Turf farms
  • Ornamentals

What to control

  • Fusarium 
  • Brown Patch 
  • Dollar Spot 
  • Helminthosporium 
  • Spring Dead Spot 
  • Powdery mildew 
  • Rust 
  • Anthracnose

Introducing Envu

Envu is a new vision for a company built not from the ground up but on top of 50 years of environmental science experience. Our legacy products are at the core of our new identity and will remain central to all the innovations we will create moving forward.



Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for Envu in Singapore.

Updated on: 15 July 2024

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