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ISP ProForce Squadron Weatherace 720SC Fungicide

ISP ProForce Squadron Weatherace 720SC Fungicide

Reliable Protectant Disease Control

Squadron Weatherace is a broad spectrum, contact or protectant fungicide containing 720g/L of the active ingredient Chlorothalonil.

It is registered for the control of Brown Patch, Dollar Spot and Grey Leaf Spot in all recreational turf situations.

In Ornamentals, Squadron Weatherace is registered for the control of Botrytis, Grey Mould, Rust, Septoria and Alternaria leaf blight.

Squadron Weatherace contains adjuvants within the formulation to enhance rainfastness.

Squadron Weatherace is formulated in Australia, from imported materials.


Key Features

  • Improved rainfast formulation, enhancing coverage and adhesion to the leaf.
  • Excellent residual performance, when comparing to some other contact fungicide chemistry.
  • Registered for both turf and ornamental diseases. Convenient to use in a range of situations.
  • Multi-Site Activity. No known resistance, still very useful within the fungicide program.
  • Minimal Impact on beneficial insects, fitting well in IPM programs. Studies have shown that Squadron Weatherace has very little impact on beneficial insects and mites.
  • Formulated and Manufactured in Australia.


About ISP

ISP is a privately-owned business, formed and owned by a small team of industry professionals with extensive experience in manufacture, distribution and product registration. We are a business focused on production & supply of plant protection, pest control, plant nutrition, soil, water management & biological products. Specialising in Australasian non-crop and niche horticultural markets, including Turf & Amenity, Nursery Production, Industrial Vegetation Management, Forestry, Pest Control and Consumer Home Garden & Pest Management.



Centaur Asia Pacific is the distributor for ISP range of products in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

Updated on: 7 March 2024

Mode of Action


Chlorothalonil, the active ingredient in Squadron Weatherace is a multi-site inhibitor affecting various enzymes and other metabolic processes in fungi. It inhibits spore germination, and is antagonistic to fungal cell membranes. Squadron Weatherace is classified as possessing a Group M5 mode of action and belongs to the Chloronitrile chemical family.